August 2023
October 2022
Prof. Panat meets with Congressman Dr. Cuellar of Texas
Prof. Panat visited Texas A&M International University at the invitation of Clarkson Aerospace and AFOSR to meet with Congressman Dr. Cuellar (one of the few with a PhD). He discussed the importance of exposing young Air [...]
Sandy’s paper on CMU Array, world’s first 3D printed Brain-Computer-Interface published in Science Advances! Congratulations!
Caitlyn Santiago joins the research team. Welcome!
Caitlyn Santiago has joined Panat group. She is working on 3D printing of ceramics with Chunshan.
Azahar’s paper on human trials of the 10 s Covid-19 test featured as the front cover of Journal of Medical Virology. Congratulations!
Azahar's paper on the successful human trials of the 10 second COVID-19 tests was featured as the cover image of the Journal of Medical Virology (volume 94, issue 12). Congratulations!
December 2021
Happy Holidays!!!
Panat group had a great outing at Porch restaurant to celebrate the successes of the year!!! Happy Holidays!
Azahar’s paper on hierarchical 3D sensors that broke a biomolecule limit-of-detection published in Nature Communications! Congratulations!!!
Invited review paper published in Advanced Functional Materials!
In this invited paper titled "Recent Advances in 3D Printing of Biomedical Sensing Devices", we argue that 3D printing has led several trends such as miniaturization, customization, and elasticity in biomedical devices. Congratulations Azahar and [...]
October 2021
Prof. Panat selected as the Associate Director of Research at the Manufacturing Futures Institute!!
Professor Rahul Panat has been named the Associate Director of Research at the Manufacturing Futures Institute (MFI) at Mill 19. Prof. Panat will manage the additive manufacturing segment of the MFI and is currently creating [...]
Panat Lab awarded Air Force Grant!!
Panat lab has been awarded a grant of $460,000 for two years from Air Force and Clarkson Aerospace to conduct research on MXene and its applications. We're really excited to work with them and produce [...]